How to Grow Your YouTube Channel – Fast

Knowing how to grow your YouTube channel is no easy task. But if you follow the tips below, you can grow your YouTube channel fast, into something amazing.

If you don’t have the right strategy in place, it can be difficult to grow your channel. In this article, we will share with you the top tips on how to create great content and make sure your channel is highly engaging to potential viewers.

Keyword Research – Essential for Growing Your YouTube Channel

The key role of keywords is to optimize your video content to rank higher on YouTube and Google search.

You might have the best content about a particular subject, but if it doesn’t appear in the top search results, no-one will see it. To rank high and increase viewers of your videos, you need to spend time on your keyword research.

You can start with YouTube search, but it won’t give you the number of searches for a keyword. Let alone how difficult it is to rank for that particular keyword.

Keyword Research Software

Use tools such as TubeBuddy to analyze keywords and find their competitiveness and chances of ranking higher on YouTube. It can help you find high-performing keywords that have the potential to rank well on YouTube.

 You can also use the keyword research tools to help you analyze the competition and research the best keywords to target.

 Additionally, these tools will also give you the current trends of which topics or subjects users are more interested in.

For your videos to rank well in search results, make sure they include keywords that are relevant to your target audience. By using these tools, you can filter through all the possible keywords and pick those that are most relevant for your video topic.

First, search your topic or subject on the platform and see the results of similar most searched keywords.

The keywords that appear on your search list are potentially better topics you can choose. Therefore, depending on your subject, these keywords will help you customize your video content accordingly.

 Experts recommend looking for long tail keywords since they boost the chances of ranking.

During your research, you can go the extra mile to check the video results of such high-ranking keywords.

You must have the keywords ready before creating the videos to rank higher and generate more traffic.

By perfecting your videos for SEO, you can improve the visibility and ranking of your videos in search engines. By adding keywords and including relevant information in your titles, descriptions, and tags, you can ensure that your videos are found when users search for information about the topic.

Focus on a Specific Niche

 Many beginners try to cover several topics. This is a big mistake and can cause ranking problems.
 Not only for Google’s algorithm, but for your viewers.

To grow your YouTube channel, you should focus on creating video content around a specific niche or topic. This will help you to create content that is both relevant and interesting to viewers.

 This not only helps create a unique set of target audiences but also boosts traffic to your brand.

Most marketers have used this strategy to retain their audiences by focusing on a single subject.

Creating videos around multiple topics or niches could work, but it’s not as effective as focusing on a particular niche, and your channel will struggle to gain traction. (Prove it for yourself, you can always pivot to a single niche).

Choose a niche and focus on it exclusively.

Optimize Your YouTube Profile

Many beginners are in such a rush to upload their first video, they don’t even have a basic profile.
This is probably the first thing that you need to do if you want to promote your channel.

 Optimizing your YouTube channel is essential since it helps boost search engine optimization and gives users a better understanding of your niche and content, they should expect from you after becoming subscribers. You can do this by ensuring that your profile has an excellent description of who you are and what value you’ll be giving.

Use the keywords that you found during keyword research phase.

 Additionally, it helps build credibility so that people don’t have any doubts when it comes to subscribing. It’s also essential to ensure that your audience is updated on when to expect new video content.

 More importantly, it’s advisable to use hashtags to personalize your channel. You should also incorporate your contact information, including social media handles, email address, website link, or contacts, on the profile description to make it easier for the audience to reach you in case they need clarification or more information about your brand.

Go over your profile every few months to see if you need to update it with any new keywords. Your profile is your business card, so give it the attention it deserves.

Create Short and Catchy Titles

Most people don’t realize that titles play a significant role in determining CTR. When creating video titles, it’s essential to ensure they’re relevant, interesting, and short. Titles are among the first things your audience will see before clicking on a particular video.

Your keywords should be included in the title to rank higher.

 To create an excellent title, you should use simple language that doesn’t include jargon to avoid confusion. You can also use power words to grab your audience’s attention and trigger them to watch your videos.

Build Clickable Thumbnails

 Once you’ve created your title, take the time to create an attention-grabbing thumbnail.

You’ve done your keyword research and gained a high enough ranking to be found.

Now it is crucial people click on your thumbnail. This is your showroom window.

Thumbnails play a significant role when it comes to a high click-through rates. Therefore, you must ensure that your thumbnails stand out from the rest.

To do this, you should check thumbnails in high-ranking videos and get an idea of how to go about yours. When creating the thumbnails, it’s essential to ensure they complement your theme colors.

Most ranking videos tend to have similar thumbnails. Using bold text and lighter colors is also advisable to get better CTR. You should also incorporate a human element such as a face depending on the kind of video content you’re creating.

Take the time to find or create some amazing graphics for your thumbnails. An eye-catching thumbnail with an enticing title will increase your click-through rate.

Create Watch-Time Optimized Videos

YouTube algorithms analyze ‘watch time’ to decide the likelihood of pushing your video content to newer users. The watch time is a summation of all minutes watched on your individual videos and channel. It’s essential to create watch time optimized videos to rank higher.

You can do this by:

1) Create engaging videos:
Use interesting or humorous content that viewers find entertaining. Be creative and stand out from the crowd. You don’t have to stick to the same formula every time – experiment with new ideas and see what works best for your channel.

2) Produce high quality videos:
Including high sound quality, a good script, good editing, and well-produced videos. poor sound quality is one of the fastest ways to reduced watch-time.

3) Create longer videos:
Their performance is much better than short videos.

4) Use Intros to grab attention quickly:
Get rid of any fluff from the intros of your videos which are the first fifteen seconds. To make your video compelling, tease the viewer with the benefit they will get by watching your video. When you grab your audience’s attention, it becomes more likely they will keep watching till the end.

This is a crucial step. You need to create quality content that is engaging and will keep your viewers coming back for more. Try to be funny, informative and creative when creating your videos.

Upload Videos Consistently

You can also grow your YouTube channel by simply improving the consistency of when you upload your videos.

 Statistics show that the most successful YouTube channels tend to upload video content consistently.

 Consistency doesn’t necessarily mean every day. (Although this can give you a head-start when you first start your channel).

The standard is at least once per week. You need to be consistent with your content, upload at least one new video every week. If you can find a way to post more, even better! But don’t get burnt out.

When it comes to posting, develop a regular pattern and stick to it, i.e., posting on a particular day and time. Over time, your audience will know that your videos are uploaded on a certain day and time and will wait for them, especially if they’re helpful. This will help keep your subscribers engaged and help you grow your following.

Whether you’re a beginner or you’ve been in the field for a while, you don’t need to spend a lot paying a company to create the videos for you. You can use AI Software to generate high-quality video content, fast.

Push for subscriptions

The number of subscribers a YouTube channel has is not only a sign of its popularity, but also affects the amount of traffic, views, and exposure it receives. Subscriber count is an important metric for the algorithm.

Therefore, it’s essential to push for more subscriptions. Don’t feel awkward asking people to subscribe. You’ll get over it after a few video uploads.

Every time you post or upload new videos, you can politely ask your viewers to subscribe, saying that it will be easier for them to get notified every time there’s something new.

A major mistake that most people make is to pay for subscribers. Although it might seem a clever idea, buying subscribers only lowers engagement and ruins account authenticity.

 Again, you shouldn’t assume that people will see the subscription button and automatically subscribe. Some inexperienced users might not know about it. Getting more subscribers also helps boost watch time.

Tip: don’t ask for subscriptions in the intro. Instead, ask halfway through, and use a pop-up animation before the end of the video.

Audience Engagement

One of the most important things you can do for your channel is engage with viewers regularly.

YouTube is a social network; it requires some social interaction.

 These interactions play a significant role in the growth of your channel since users will feel appreciated. To improve engagement, you should encourage people to like, discuss, comment, and give their opinions about your video subject.

The YouTube algorithm also rewards channels that have excellent engagement in terms of comments, likes, and watch time, among other metrics.

This is another reason you should be responding to comments, giving feedback on videos, and even chatting with fans. It shows that you care about their experience with your content and that you’re invested in the success of your channel…which will encourage viewers even more.

 Even if there are many comments on your video posts, you should try as much as possible to respond.

Some users might require more info on your products or how to get them. Failure to respond means you’ll lose such customers to your competitors who are willing to respond to their queries.

 You can also post some comments from time to time to drive engagement and thank them for sharing with others across various platforms, including social networks.

To increase viewership and encourage people to share/comment on content, many creators offer perks (like discounts or free products) as rewards for active participation. This helps build stronger relationships between creator and follower while also increasing engagement rates.

 Figure out your audience preferences

 It’s essential to determine what type of YouTube content your audience wants to see. Every time you create video content for your YouTube channel, you must ensure it aligns with your audience’s preferences.

Regardless of the kind of content you want to create or your goal, ensure you understand what people want and dislike so that you can rank higher on the platform.

First, you can analyze your competitors and see the kind of content they’re creating and the level of engagement with their viewers. This way, you’ll have an excellent starting point for choosing the best topics and video styles to use to attract a huge audience and rank higher.

 Secondly, YouTube analytics can help you figure out what your audience wants, especially if you’ve got some previously uploaded videos. The platform will supply a detailed description of various demographics, statistics, engagement levels, etc.

Finally, if you followed the earlier tip, (audience engagement), why not just ask your viewers what type of video content they would like you to make?

Build A Community Around Your YouTube Channel

If you’re serious about building a YouTube channel with a large and engaged community, then you need to put in the effort to cultivate that community.

This means more than just pumping out videos; you need to interact with your viewers, get to know them, and give them a reason to keep coming back.

One way to do this is to create regular content that your viewers can look forward to, whether it’s a weekly vlog or a series of instructional videos. But you also need to be active in the comments section responding to questions and engaging with your fans.

By making an effort to build a real community around your channel, you will be able to turn your viewers into true followers who will stick with you for the long haul and promote your channel to their friends.

You could even direct them to your website and collect emails. This way if you ever get banned by YouTube you still have a way to talk to your loyal fans.

Offer Exclusive Content

One of the best ways to grow your channel and keep your viewers coming back for more, is to offer them exclusive content that they can’t find anywhere else.

 This could be anything from behind-the-scenes footage to VIP access to special events, or video tutorials. By giving your customers something that nobody else has, you’ll create a sense of exclusivity and loyalty that will keep them coming back for more.

Many people use Patreon for exclusive content, or better still create your own website. You will then have your own asset.

Cross-promote your YouTube channel

This is an easy strategy that can help you grow your YouTube channel.

Connect with other YouTube channel creators who are in the same niche as you. See if you can cross-promote each other. This is a wonderful opportunity to improve your video content reach.

The most popular way seems to be interviewing each other on their respective channels.

 Before you consider cross promoting your YouTube channel, it’s essential to analyze the other party and find out if you’re likely to benefit from it.

Networking with other YouTube content creators can help promote your channel and attract new viewers.

Consider Using YouTube Premiere

 Using YouTube Premiere to share your video content can be a terrific way to connect with your audience.

This service allows you to upload your videos, set a timing schedule, and then share them with your subscribers in real-time.

This is a way to build anticipation for new content that your viewers can then watch in real-time and engage with others by commenting on live chat.

Plan for your videos to play at strategic times when most people are active, this increases engagement which boosts the click-through rate.

Check and analyze similar content on the platform

Another way to grow your YouTube channel is to research what other YouTubers in your niche are doing to increase their viewership and traffic.

Take time to watch high ranking content in your niche so that you can get an idea of how to go about increasing your own ranking. This will help you get insights into the content quality and uniqueness, which you should maintain for better results.

 By researching your competition and understanding their strategies, you can find ways to outperform them on YouTube.

 You’ll also identify gaps and opportunities that you should fill when creating your content to be an extra mile ahead of those in your niche.

 Apart from watching the videos, it’s also essential to read their user comments and see what people say about them and the areas needing improvement or customization.

This info is a goldmine; it will help you to create high-quality videos that are engaging and will help your channel rank higher.

Promote Your YouTube Channel

Once you have exhausted all the ways to promote your channel on YouTube, then you can take advantage of social media platforms to promote your YouTube channel.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok offer fantastic opportunities for connecting with potential followers and generating awareness for your channel across a wider audience network.

 Not only does this help promote recent videos but it also builds relationships between creators and their followers – which can result in increased traffic (and potentially better sponsorships!).

Before you promote your YouTube channel on any social media platform, it’s essential to understand the demographics of your audience on YouTube. Then you can target the same type of audience on the other social platforms. Make sure you add the links to your videos with an engaging description.

By marketing yourself effectively, you can attract new viewers and grow your audience. By building an active following on social media, and creating valuable content, you can create a strong brand that will help you attract new followers.

 Keep Learning and Growing

As your channel grows, so too must your skills and knowledge. Keep learning by watching other channels, reading blog posts, and consulting with experts to stay ahead of the curve. Try new software, experiment with new techniques.

 Remember that growth is a never-ending journey, so keep up the excellent work!


There are so many processes involved in running a YouTube channel, it is easy to overlook some of the important steps.

But now you know how to grow your YouTube channel, so start following these tips and strategies.

Paying attention to each step will help increase traffic, subscribers, and grow your YouTube channel significantly faster.

With a little effort, your channel can grow into something amazing!

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